Bee Swarms
The Brisbane Amateur Beekeepers Society Inc. is proud to promote our members and local businesses that can assist with bee swarm and hive removal. These members and businesses are highly experienced and knowledgeable in beekeeping and can safely and humanely remove swarms or hives from your property. They will also help to find new homes for the bees and can also advise on the best way to protect them. You can be sure that the bees will be taken care of in a way that is both ethical and environmentally friendly.
Dealing with honey bee swarms or colonies in property
Beekeepers do not normally deal with colonies of wasps, as they require specialist treatments, however, much of the information below can also apply to other flying insects, e.g. wasps.
Honey bees swarming is a natural event and can occur at any time during the Spring and Summer.
When honey bees swarm, a large proportion of the honey bee colony leave their nest in search of a new location to start a new colony and that place can be anywhere that is warm and dry. The types of places can include:
Inside roof spaces
Behind facia boards and soffits
Between the ceiling and floor boards
Wall cavities
Out buildings
Compost bins
And many more places, in other words, anywhere that offers honey bee’s protection from the elements and room/space to expand.
A swarm of honey bees occurs when a proportion
of honey bees leave their nest (colony). When they
first leave honey bees usually form a cluster in or
on any suitable place, which might be a tree,
gatepost or on an object. After they are organised
into a cluster, they will fly to their new “home”.
A colony of honey bees is an established and
mature/growing entity which can consist of up to
forty thousand honey bees i.e. substantially larger
than a swarm of honey bees. It will contain bees,
bee's wax comb and stores of honey and will take
up a sizable amount of space.
Swarms of honey bees can usually be safely
removed by a suitably qualified/experienced
beekeeper if they are contacted in time. If the
honey bees have taken up residence in the fabric
of a building, that can be more difficult (if not
impossible) to be safely dealt with by a beekeeper.
Refer to our contacts listed above.
Professional pest control personnel may be required to undertake the work either solely or in conjunction with a beekeeper, depending on the individual colony circumstances. If the honey bees are not causing a nuisance or a threat, they can be left alone. Some properties are known to have had honey bee colonies within their fabric for many years without causing any disturbance or problems to the property owner.
If the honey bees are considered by the property owner to present a risk or a disturbance to them, beekeepers will always provide help and advice.
Whilst suitably qualified beekeepers are normally able to remove swarms of honey bees and are insured for all normal beekeeping activities, the insurance does not extend to working at heights or undertaking building works to gain access to honey bees. Those are jobs for professionals i.e. builders and pest control personnel. Beekeepers cannot put any member of the public or them selves at risk by undertaking swarm collection in dangerous or hazardous environments.

Brisbane Amateur Beekeepers Society Inc. is independent of and holds no responsilbity for the works performed, any damages, or advice provided by our members or affiliates. The information provided on this page is general only.